U2.. Songs Of Experience 1/12.. Get out on your own way

En los ensayos previos suena un poco mejor la cancion pero no mucho mas… por algo casi no la tocaron, igual que If God Will Send His Send His Angels que sonaba bastante bien, si le hubieran dado un poco de practica hubiese tenido mejor suerte.

Son canciones que las habran intentado mucho antes de dejarlas descartadas, calcula que en el mismo momento que Angels salio como single la dejaron de tocar por completo en vivo, no funcionaba para nada se ve en vivo para ellos.

Esto no quiere decir que pase peroooo peor es nada :stuck_out_tongue:

Arcade Fire, U2, Metallica confirm 2013 album releases | Gigwise

Arcade Fire y U2? :cool::cool::cool:

Igual no entiendo, U2 no es de Universal?

Ah, hace un tiempo Bono dijo esto, me olvide de ponerlo aca:

Exclusive: Bono on “Spiderman”, Mitt Romney, U2, Ireland, the undocumented, and more | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

“Rock radio plays us, and every so often we’re on pop radio. We love to be on pop radio. Because, you know, when you’re walking down the street or getting out of a taxi and you hear songs coming out of a boutique or whatever, you can just feel the pulse of a city.

“I remember when Marvin Gaye’s ‘Sexual Healing’ was everywhere in New York, coming out of every possible place. It was the pulse of Manhattan. There are moments when that happens, and those are great moments.”

U2 is hardly through with making more of their own moments. Bono talks excitedly about recent studio work and a fruitful collaboration with Brian Burton, better known as Danger Mouse, half of the former duo Gnarls Barkley with Cee-Lo Green.

“You know, there might be life in the old dog yet!” Bono says.

“We’ve hit a vein. We’re working with this special soul, Brian Burton. He listens in a very different way.”The sound, Bono says, is hardly old school U2.

“There are things that have always been in our music but maybe not being accentuated. It’s really very, very different. It’s shocking how different it is.”Edge, Bono says, is on fire. “He’s unbelievable when he works. I feel very sorry for his family,” Bono laughs. Larry and Adam are also pumped.

“There’s a bass line coming up that you literally cannot believe. It’s just unbelievable. So yeah, it’s exciting.”But Bono isn’t putting a timeline on when the music will be finished, or even if it will see the light of day. If the band isn’t completely thrilled with the end result it will go nowhere.

“We can still spoil it, and you know, I could be wrong,” Bono says. “And if so then people will not hear from us because there would be no reason for us to be around.

Mercury Records, en la cual ellos estan desde 2004 creo, es subsidiaria de Universal Music

Igual esa entrevista que pusiste es de Bono… no hay que tomarla mucho en cuenta a la hora de ser optimistas o pesimistas jajaja

Sisi es de Bono, igual lo puse mas que nada por lo que decia de la musica pop, y de que estaban trabajando con Danger Mouse.


Esta es la obra de Teatro donde Bono y Edge sacaron canciones para el Musical…
Un Musical del hombre araña de ninguna forma puede ser una buena idea…

:lol: Bastante Freaky la obra
Y la verdad cuando salio la primera vez que U2 toco a Boy falls from the sky me llamo la atencion, la cancion, para ver tocada una vez, sonaba interesante, que lastima que sea para una obra de teatro y que tiene una pinta terrible

Nuevo remix de Streets, estrenado en la ceremonia inaugural de los juegos olimpicos


Tambien algunas “novedades”

Traducido a ingles de un sitio italiano:

The news that reaches us today could mark a turning point between the various rumors that are multiplying on the arrival of a new work of the band from here to next year. One of our user (Mattia) which for now we maintain the anonymity informs us that, because of his work, he was able to verify certificates of deposits trademark & co. throughout the world. And thanks to this information that we are aware of the fact that U2, as a company, have formally requested approval of a new logo at the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) and at the OHIM (Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market). It is therefore the preparation of a new logo for a new tour and album?

Anteprima U2place: gli U2 registrano un nuovo logo (rumor)? - U2place, le notizie in italiano sugli U2

Venia a postear lo de Streets, no lo habia visto, LTA para mi. No se jugaron mucho, es la cancion original con un punchi punchi atras :lol:.

Algo lei de eso del logo, pero segun vi no se en donde, tenia algo que ver con The Joshua Tree, ahora no encuentro donde lo lei.

Ah, compre U2 by U2 en Amazon, usado en muy buen estado supuestamente, 20 dolares, cuando me llegue en 40 dias :expressionless: pongo algunas fotos aca.

Eso me parece que esta relacionado con una remasterizacion de Rattle And Hum por el 25 aniversario el año que viene, son una de las versiones que se estan corriendo.

Gavin Friday: New U2 Material is ‘Quite Different’

Gavin Friday, U2’s longtime mate, appeared Saturday morning on RTE Radio One’s Weekend On One program and, in between playing some of his favorite songs, he also spoke with host Cathal Murray about a variety of topics … including U2. The short conversation included this exchange about U2’s album plans.

Murray: Is it true they have a new record in the pipeline? They have a few new records in the pipeline, don’t they?

Friday: They always have a new record in the pipeline and it’s always their best. “Can you just shut up and just make it?” (laughs) – is my advice.

Murray: Have you heard the new material?

Friday: I’ve heard a bit of – Danger Mouse is producing it, so it’s quite different.

Murray: Is there a release date yet?

Friday: I don’t know with them. Next year, maybe.

Uhhh es bastante diferente el nuevo material…

Entonces sera bueno??? :twisted:

A ver a que les hace acordar este tema (de 1996)…

A partir de los 0:55 y especialmente desde 1:46.


Jajaja mira no sabia esa… es de uno de mis temas preferidos de Pop


Es un temazo, me entere ayer en un foro, segun dicen aparece en lso creditos del disco pero Pop no lo tengo original asi que no lo puedo confirmar.

Que carencia de novedades que hay :expressionless: :mrgreen:

Algun dia van a sacar ese nuevo album del que tanto se habla hace un par de años? :evil:

Yo lo tengo el original (firmado por Adam :mrgreen:)… y te confirmo que dice “Inspiration from Naked Funk”

Esto es de la semana pasada pero recien lo leo ahora… es un rumor pero bueno algo es algo…

New U2 album in late 2013 with a tour to follow beginning in U.S. arenas in the spring of 2014, then moving on to Europe after that – possibly in stadiums.
If that was coming from a source we’ve heard from before, we might put it on the home page as a news story. But the source – someone who would be in position to know – is new to us, so for now we’ll treat it as a rumor and share it here in OTR. Plus, it’s talking about things that would be more than a year away, and we all know that “U2 time” is not like regular time. So, who knows what might happen between now and late next year?

Column: off the record …, vol. 12-535


El tan ansiado nuevo disco a fines de 2013 , osea que en 2015 lo sacan :lol::lol:

Que ganas que tengo de escucharlo la puta madre que lo saquen lo mas pronto posible, irlandeses forros :evil: :mrgreen:

Nuevo cd en vivo con lo que no fue incluido en U22… 15 temas.

U2 > News > From The Ground Up, U2360° Tour Photobook… now with sound.