Trump Presidente: Powell nominado a la Reserva


Alguien me explica porqué se habla de Trump como “populista”? Ese termino está tan desgastado que no le veo mucho el sentido. [MENTION=23409]Nicklas[/MENTION] ?

Creo que esta relacionado con el populismo de derecha: decirles al ciudadano común, alienado, lo que quiere escuchar, por ejemplo construir un muro que rodee completamente la frontera con Mexico, prohibir la entrada a musulmanes, ya que esas medidas en sí no solucionan los conflictos que son algo más profundos y que conllevan análisis más integradores.

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Va a estar hermoso el debate Sanders y Trump

Pobre Hillary, no sabe que hacer

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Hillary, basura, vos sos la dictadura.

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Bien por Donaldo.

Se hace el debate Sanders vs Trump? Cuanto pierde Hillary aca?

Cuantas chances tiene Sanders de ser el candidato democrata?

Casi nulas, aunque ultimamente Sanders viene subiendo cada vez mas.

Lo que si, es que Hillary esta debilitadisima, si gana ella el presidente es Trump

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lastimosamente si eeuu se va a la mierda siempre de alguna manera lo termina pagando el resto del mundo.


73.9K Tweets

se bajo del debate :confused:

no sander no! maldita clinton prefiero que gane el populista

Pienso lo mismo. La cornuda solo sigue viva por la transfugueada de los superdelegados, sino el viejito Sanders se la comía con papas fritas desde el minuto uno. Un debate Trump-Sanders es para alquilar balcones.

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Step 4: Fumble on trade

As soon as the votes were tallied in 2012, Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO and Mary Kay Henry of SEIU were claiming unions had delivered Obama’s victory. They argued, with justification, that Ohio, Wisconsin and Nevada got into the blue column because of a massive turnout effort from labor. But earlier this year, both Trumka and Henry expressed concerns that Trump could flip that script.
“Our members are responding to Trump’s message,” Henry said in one interview. “Donald Trump is tapping into the very real and very understandable anger of working people,” Trumka said in a speech.

It’s not just that these workers are drawn to the raw emotion of Trump’s “you’ve been screwed” rhetoric. Polls show that union households tend to oppose free trade quite strongly. Sanders has made free trade a centerpiece of his primary campaign against Clinton. Trump, hoping to woo Sanders voters, frequently praises his position on that issue.

Union voters largely agree with Trump that trade deals—including those negotiated by Democratic Presidents Obama and Bill Clinton—have taken their jobs away. Hillary Clinton has yet to counter this attack in any meaningful way. Her history on trade has been careful and political, which has left her struggling to articulate a strong argument against Sanders, let alone Trump. She gave measured support at the time to her husband’s controversial NAFTA deal, but later called it a mistake; voted in favor of most but not all trade deals as senator; and flip-flopped unconvincingly on the Trans-Pacific Partnership this year.

It’s not hard to see how quickly this could start costing her Electoral College votes in the Rust Belt, where Trump hopes to improve on past Republican performance. (And where, you may remember, Clinton had to apologize for threatening to put coal companies out of business.) In Ohio, for example, 22 percent of 2012 voters came from union households, and 60 percent of them voted for Obama. In Wisconsin, a similar share of the electorate voted 2-to-1 for Obama over Romney. In 2016, both states went for Sanders over Clinton in their primaries. In Pennsylvania, where Trump is planning a major effort, union households provided Obama more than half his net margin.

Trump wins: Ohio (18) and Wisconsin (10), and maybe Michigan (16)

Running total: Trump wins between 274 and 338

En lo que respecta a las primarias del Partido Demócrata, tengo un par de dudas.
A ver si alguien me da una mano…

Escuché dos cosas, entre ayer a la madrugada y hoy:
· Que Hillary Clinton ya es la candidata que compita contra Trump.
· Que “Bernie Sanders espera un milagro”.

¿Vendieron humo?

¿No se definió todavía?
¿Cómo es el asunto?

Agradezco desde ya cualquier información.

3 Me gusta

Si Hillary es candidata, gana Trump.

Dios nos salve con este Troglodita al frente de la 1era potencia mundial

Hasta el simio de Bush era mas presentable …