Australian Open 2012 - Noleeee Noleeeee Noleeeeee

bue a mi me pasa lo mismo con el pepino…

Tampoco como pepino.

metio mas de 113 aces contra mahut en wimbledon 2010 :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bueno yo se que ahora isner tiene 2 amenazas de muerte , 1 de mahut y otra de nalbandian

Sigo con una bronca gigante cuando me acuerdo de ese break point que era un revez para hacerlo pasar cruzado y listo


como desvirtuaron esto , que es el chat del foro ?? :lol:

Dormí una hora y monedas. Me levanté con la misma bronca que cuando me acosté. Ojalá a Isner le salte el positivo en el dóping, no sea cosa que lo escondan como con Agassi o Nadal…

Doping por hacer lo que mejor sabe? :lol:

Doping hay que pedir por Tomic cuando corra mas de 4 pelotas.


vieron alguna vez a baghdatis romper 4 raquetas??

eso fue hoy a las 6 7 de la mañana contra wawrinka en 2da ronda ( gano la vaca suiza )

asi o con mas bronca estaba con el partido de nalba

4 hs 43 minutos duro el sufrimiento de nalbandian y el sufrimiento de gran parte de argentinos ayer

Si nunca probaste el pepino con pastron, desde ya que no sos un buen iehudí je

vi el video pero no se que le paso, perdio muy justo?

no pero fijate al final del video cuando termina de partir 3 4 raquetas , estaban 2 1 en el 1er set 8|8|8|

el partido lo gano la vaca suiza 7 6 6 4 5 7 6 1


uno de los mejores puntos del dia de ayer

jajajajaja esta del tomate, lo re banque igual, solo que no entendia que mierda le habia pasado para hacer eso

ah no no perdon , estaba 2 1 en sets wawrinka , 1 a 0 con break arriba , osea empezo el cuarto set , saca baghdatis , le quiebran , y ahi sale la calentura de romper todo ajaja

Las ultimas dos ni las sacó de la bolsa… :lol:

see jaajaja eso es mas gracioso , jamas lo habia visto tan sacado , me hizo acordar a safin , pero marat tenia una forma mas espectacular de romper las raquetas , era un arte :lol:


mal encima los pletzalej y la pita se la compro a un armenio

Increible con la bronca que me fui a dormir ayer. Una lástima que no gane el buen tenis, el buen jugador… y gane esa jirafa limitada… que los puntos que gana son por su saque.

No comparto: el talento, no puede estar nunca por debajo del profesionalismo.

A primer turno juega Chelita. Partido ganable…

Está loco Baghdatis Jajaja

Conferencia de prensa de Nalbandian (en inglés):

Q. It’s never nice to lose in very controversial circumstances, but clearly it was a pretty dispiriting end to the match for you.


Q. What do you make of the umpire’s decision in that 8All point?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: I asked for HawkEye and he make an overrule. Because the lineman call out. He overrule it. Was a lot of noises, so I asked what happened, because the lineman called out.

He told me he overruled it. And I say, Okay, I see the mark. I say challenge. Not a big deal. He don’t want to do it.

Q. Why did he say you couldn’t have HawkEye?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: Too late. How many times everybody check the mark and ask for the HawkEye?

So somebody from the umpires or ATP, somebody can explain to me this situation. I mean, what is this? This is a Grand Slam.

Q. Then the supervisor came.

DAVID NALBANDIAN: Yeah, supervisor say it’s umpire call. So what I have to do now? I mean, I don’t see the video, but I don’t think it was too late to call. John say, Yeah, ask. I mean, the HawkEye, and umpire didn’t want to.

I mean, it’s ridiculous playing this kind of tournament with this kind of umpires. What is this? What did the ATP do for this? I didn’t understand in that situation, 8All break point. I mean, can you be that stupid to do that in that moment?

Q. And a lot of crowd noise, as well.

DAVID NALBANDIAN: I mean, what the umpires need, press? Name? Be on the picture tomorrow? Incredible.

Anyway, I didn’t lose for that, but that’s was very bad situation. Was amazing.

Q. You took a break at 67 in the fifth set as well, a toilet break.

DAVID NALBANDIAN: Yeah, I couldn’t hold it. (Laughter.)

Q. Yeah, but, you say you didn’t lose because of that. So how did it influence then the next game, the next point?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: He played a great game. I think I do just one mistake or I think I didn’t do any one. He played a very good game.

Q. Did you think about it or…

DAVID NALBANDIAN: No, I tried to not, but, never know.

Q. You have played many, many Grand Slam matches in your career. Is that as disappointing an ending as you can remember, as annoying from your point of view? It was a great match.

DAVID NALBANDIAN: Yeah, it was a great match. But I think I think I lose another one like that, as well: semifinals US Open with Andy Roddick was another one, more important this second round today.

Yeah, but could be one of those, yeah.

Q. Do you know what the rule is for how long you have?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: It’s no time. It’s no time.

Q. There’s no timing manner?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: Yeah, the time that the umpire see it.

Q. Did you see him hobbling late in the match? Did you think you wore him down, particularly when you got those break chances?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: No, no, no. You win the match when you won the last point, so it doesn’t matter what is going in the middle of that.

Q. Will you be making an official complaint to the ATP or to the supervisor or to the Grand Slam…

DAVID NALBANDIAN: Doesn’t make any sense. I mean, if they really want to do something, I don’t need to do anything, because it’s on the TV, on the video.

And every time talk to ATP, it’s like nothing, so what is ATP is for the players or for somebody else, the benefits?

Q. What would you do if you, in your next Grand Slam, you walk out and you see the same umpire in the chair? Would you be happy?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: I don’t think he I don’t think he’s gonna be able to do this kind of matches. I mean, it’s no doubt about it.

Q. You don’t think he’s qualified? You don’t think he’s up to it?

DAVID NALBANDIAN: Absolutely. Absolutely. No doubt. Nothing happen on the match, and in that moment, he call overrule, I call HawkEye, and he didn’t give it.

I never see something like that. So ATP have to check what they doing for the umpires. I mean, they practice? They what? I don’t know.

Q. Well, he spends most of his time umpiring on the WTA Tour. That’s true.

DAVID NALBANDIAN: (Laughing.) They serve too slow for these kind of guys.

Para mi es malo el saque, así que ya de entrada la corrección vendría a ser incorrecta. Después de eso, pasó muchas veces la situación de ayer, donde iba a pedir uno y termina pidiendo el otro. Es cualquier cosa lo que hicieron.

buena entrevista , entendi perfecto todo porque se bien ingles

buen gesto del puto de isner de que en ese momento que le habia dado el juez bueno su saque , le dijo a nalbandian que si que lo pidiera