Hi To All The River Plate Fans

I just wanted to say hi to all since i never did in English…i should write more in this Thread since i’m one of the few that speak English and are America Argentinian.
I would love to see more people write in English and give their opinions on River Plate although it is possible there’s not much to say being that the season is almost all over and River is already champion of the season, but still there’s always a reason to talk about the greatest team in the world…Planet River Plate is big and growing everyday…
i wear my River jersey proud whenever i get a chance, and not just becuase we won…in fact i wore a River plate shirt the day we lost against Boca…i wore it at work that day having to show my face to my “Bostero” cousin and uncle…but they respected me and said that’s the way you should be, always showing your love for your team even in tough times (en las buenas y las malas)…like the ones River endured…Because when the shit hits the fan that is when you mostly need to show pride and joy for your team…even if it is hard to do…even if you have to take shit from others…but never letting it turn to violence, one must defend himself/herself without violence unless called upon…anyways i’ve rambled on too much i guess…anyways my intention is too try to get some River Plate fans to chat on this forum and give their ideas and opinions about River…whatever you want to say, say it…atleast i know i will answer…

P.D. por favor los que no entienden les explico que estoy informando a los que no hablan o entienden castellano que aca hay un gallina que quiere comunicarse o hablar con los que hablan Ingles para que haya mas participacion si se puede decir en este foro de esta gente que por mas que hablamos otro idiomas y tal vez unos no entienden los que nos decimos si hay algo que nos une y se llama River Plate que tanto amamos…asique bueno acalaro por si un huevon se piensa que estoy insultando o algo asi porque siempre hay un huevon que va pensar mal y me va querer insultar como hicieron a Emiliano antierormente…bue en fin…Aguante River…Let’s go River


I just wanted to say hi to all since i never did in English…i should write more in this Thread since i’m one of the few that speak English and are America Argentinian.
I would love to see more people write in English and give their opinions on River Plate although it is possible there’s not much to say being that the season is almost all over and River is already champion of the season, but still there’s always a reason to talk about the greatest team in the world…Planet River Plate is big and growing everyday…
i wear my River jersey proud whenever i get a chance, and not just becuase we won…in fact i wore a River plate shirt the day we lost against Boca…i wore it at work that day having to show my face to my “Bostero” cousin and uncle…but they respected me and said that’s the way you should be, always showing your love for your team even in tough times (en las buenas y las malas)…like the ones River endured…Because when the shit hits the fan that is when you mostly need to show pride and joy for your team…even if it is hard to do…even if you have to take shit from others…but never letting it turn to violence, one must defend himself/herself without violence unless called upon…anyways i’ve rambled on too much i guess…anyways my intention is too try to get some River Plate fans to chat on this forum and give their ideas and opinions about River…whatever you want to say, say it…atleast i know i will answer…

P.D. por favor los que no entienden les explico que estoy informando a los que no hablan o entienden castellano que aca hay un gallina que quiere comunicarse o hablar con los que hablan Ingles para que haya mas participacion si se puede decir en este foro de esta gente que por mas que hablamos otro idiomas y tal vez unos no entienden los que nos decimos si hay algo que nos une y se llama River Plate que tanto amamos…asique bueno acalaro por si un huevon se piensa que estoy insultando o algo asi porque siempre hay un huevon que va pensar mal y me va querer insultar como hicieron a Emiliano antierormente…bue en fin…Aguante River…Let’s go River


RIVER FANS ARE EVERY WHERE! aguante river! im from bRooklyn nyc! im always wearing my collection of river jersey that i have, and have a little banner of river hanging from my rear view mirror, and occasionally i get from strangers yelling in the streets of nyc… “Vamooooooooooo Riveeeeeer” and that makes my day right there! i was born in ARgentina but came to usa when i was 2 years old…Even though i m not living in ARgentina the passion for river is much bigger!..

What’s up boys? Always good to hear from you.
As Rocky said, there’s not much to talk about since the season is almost over and River is already the Champion so…
But hey, Argentina is playing tonight so once the match is over, ill post my thoughts on the game in this forum!


jajaja, la remataste con el “saludos” :wink:

jajaja… es que son parte Argentinos-parte Americanos!

Un abrazo!