¿Porque ponen cara de boludos cuando tocan guitarra?
Pobre Steve Vai… Jajajajajajajaja
¿Porque ponen cara de boludos cuando tocan guitarra?
Pobre Steve Vai… Jajajajajajajaja
Porque hay que tomarse un vaso de chocolatada cuando uno tiene ganas de tomarse un te y no le queda mas agua,eso hace que recurra a saquear bidones de estiercol by homero simpson para descalibrar tu monitor y que no ande mas por terminos ideologicos que los humanos no somos capaces de entender ya sea porque somos calvos o solo porque algunos tienen 3 patas entonces basandome en hipotesis clugaristicas de chuck norris pude elaborar teorias de la mandalgama alfabeta al cuadrado que dice que si te tomas una chocolatada podes cagarte encima por exceso de nesquik siendo de clase alta o toddy siendo bostero(me lo dijo el hamster yo lo escuche y no estoy loco)aasi que bueno un saludo a todos y felices pascuas para el 24 de diciembre.
aajrjrjrjejeje essss lhljljl jsifjkosdf((/&( /&(#"$lkjkjk kjsdfj)() (/)#"($/#")$
Porque levantamos los hombros cuando llueve?
Vino= la sangre de dios
Sidra+granadina= la glucosa de dios.
Let Forever Be
The Chemical Brothers
How does it feel like, to wake up in the sun.
And how does it feel like, to shine on everyone.
How does it feel like, to let forever be.
And how does it feel like, to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter.
Scream a simphony.
How does it feel like, to sail in on the breeze.
And how does it feel like, to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter.
Scream a symphony.
How does it feel like, to make it happening.
And how does it feel like, to breathe with everything.
And how does it feel like, to let forever be.
And how does it feel like, to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter.
Scream a symphony.
And how does it feel like, to be a crystalline
And how does it feel like, to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter.
Scream a symphony.
ayyyy los nenes de foro!! que zarpados que son!!! se drogan comiendo danonino y fuman los cigarrillos de chocolate…
jajaja tienen menos calle que un country
Lucianno, sos un grande boló… Cuánta cordura me falta para ser un peronista fana de la mona cómo vos? Cuántos asados con amigos, pastas del domingo o minas del amigo me faltan para ser del pueblo?
Como haces para ser lucianno, Luciano?
Tenés que ser peronista y escuchar la mona. Si al antiperonista le dicen gorila, y la mona ( o mono, como más les guste a los iluminados por el carbón de los asados del domingo, la escuela de la calle, la mujer del amigo se la mira con respeto) es pariente no muy lejano del orangután… Ahí no tenés una contradicción?
Porque no te da para tanto…
Esa firma y ese comentario, de dan sentido al thread…
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Time to see the world as a whole!
Time to light the fire with the fuel!
That’s a conscience movement,
in our hearts.
Everywhere you look red white and blue
Everywhere you look they’re fooling you.
Every revolutionary
was once considered an enemy
Cointel underminded the life
Of Dr. Martin Luther King
Everywhere you look red white and blue
Everywhere you look they’re fooling you.
One people, one struggle!
Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
One people, one struggle.
Time to see the world as a whole.
Time to light the fire with the fuel.
That’s a conscience movement,
in each and every one of your hearts!
Everywhere you look red white and blue
Everywhere you look they’re fooling you.
One people, one struggle!
Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
One people, one struggle.
One people, one struggle!
Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
One people, one struggle.
The union,
Of free thinking,
Colors don’t,
Mean liberty.
The union,
Of free thinking,
The union,
Of free thinking.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated!
One people, one struggle!
Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
One people, one struggle!
Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
One people, one struggle!
Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
One people, one struggle!
Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The people, united, will never be defeated!
los miercoles solo en janigul paiet
Pero si el gato no soporta la radiación… De qué atmósfera estamos hablando?
por que no hay que reirse de un gitano que anda en bicicleta?
porque puede ser la tuya
Por qué los rayadores de queso abundan en lugares donde los lácteos son pampeanos y blandos?
por q pinocho se hizo la paja si sabia q se podia prender fuego?
Porque no le vendió las ojivas nucleares a los soviéticos cuando estos tomaron el mando de la Groelandia moderna del sur. O sea, Turquía.