Alberto Fernández

Que buena canción jajaja.
ZomboMeme 10062020031016

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Pasa que mi sobrino juega al minecraft y siempre lo matan los libertarios y le roban todo el progreso, queria tener una torre re alta pero no puede, dicen que no hay que tener monopolio de la violencia pero yo veo mucho monopolio, si tan solo aplicaran el NAP

Igual tenia razón lo que estaba diciendo, o tenias una definicion real del socialismo?

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¿Cómo se sustenta el estado entonces? Porque los liberales creen en el estado con monopolio de violencia que garantiza el derecho a la propiedad privada mediante el poder legislativo, el poder judicial, las fuerzas de seguridad y el ejército, y eso como te imaginarás no se paga solo. Es básico esto, sin estado no hay liberalismo, hay anarquía. Los liberales no son anarquistas, los libertarios en todo caso son anarco-capitalistas que buscan la destrucción del estado, pero no son liberales, son libertarios.

En esta obra Friedman, el más famoso neoliberal, contradice esa afirmación.

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Ojo, los verdaderos libertarios votan a Macri…

No sé dónde vivís vos pero acá en el Oeste está lleno.

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En Deportea son una banda los hdp. Están en todos lados, hasta los profesores.

Eh eso es cierto papi @Gennaro salí a dar la cara en campo de juego de vez en cuando.

Cuantos huevos en la CNT, traicionados por los stalinistas que le tenian miedo a la gente. Todo hombre digno de poseer testosterona sin moleculas de soja adheriendose a sus receptores neuronales reconoce el pene de 20 cm que poseen los anarquistas. De hecho en cataluña existe el museo del Chad, que enfila todos los miembros de los jovenes anarco sindicalistas. El museo es tan grande que ocupa tres manzanas. Hasta Messi lo fue a visitar, pasa que no hay fotos porque no quiere que se enteren sus amigos libertarios, Jordi Alba y todos esos

Igual el término de libertarios originariamente era de los socialistas. En un momento (despues de una alta partida en un servidor de minecraft) un grupo de gente decidio arruinar ese término para siempre.

Porque solo se puede abolir al estado con el socialismo. Con el capitalismo, que consiste en una multitud de tiranías jerárquicas que son el interior de cada empresa, lo unico que logras aboliendo el estado es instalar una dictadura de las personas que son dueñas de la mayoría de los recursos y la producción. Que al no poder elegirse ni influirse democráticamente se convierten en los nuevos señores feudales

Por lo tanto niños, recuerden cuando Milei dice “viva la liberta carajo” en realidad esta diciendo “viva la dictadura carajoo” y la serpiente amarilla en vez de decir “dont thread on me bro” esta diciendo “please be my dictator daddy, spank me”, con la serpiente toda aplastada ahi de tanta opresión, y de coronavirus

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Cuando vuelva el fútbol, ahora me deprime

Jajajajajaj que hdp sos.

Cito “La doctrina a veces llamada neoliberalismo que se ha desarrollado más o menos
simultáneamente en muchas partes del mundo y que en América se asocia particularmente con el nombre de Henry Simons es una fe. Nadie puede decir que esta doctrina triunfará. Uno solo puedo decir que son muchas las formas ideales para llenar el vacío que parece estar desarrollándose en las creencias de las clases intelectuales en todo el mundo.”

En ningún momento se autodefine “neoliberal”, solo menciona que es un término que se utiliza en América y hace un análisis de como podría repercutir en un supuesto

JAJAJAJA te volas

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Bueno… si vos decís máster.
Posesión pública de los medios de producción y control colectivo y planificado de la economía con el fin de “”""“alcanzar una sociedad más justa e igualitaria”"""""

Y suerte con tu sobrino y la torre en Minecraft

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Primero que lo que yo dije es que en ese texto contradice ese planteo que hiciste de “socialistas que se hacen pasar por liberales”.

Ahora, sobre esa cita traducida a medias y bastante sacada de contexto que colocaste… coloco desde el párrafo anterior hasta el fin del ensayo y subrrayo:

The collectivist belief in the ability of direct action by the state to remedy all evils is itself,
however, an understandable reaction to a basic error in 19th century individualist philosophy.
This philosophy assigned almost no role to the state other than the maintenance of order and the
enforcement of contracts. It was a negative philosophy. The state could do only harm. Laissezfaire must be the rule. In taking this position, it underestimated the danger that private
individuals could through agreement and combination usurp power and effectively limit the
freedom of other individuals; it failed to see that there were some functions the price system*
*could not perform and that unless these other functions were somehow provided for, the price
system could not discharge effectively the tasks for which it is admirably fitted.

A new faith must avoid both errors. It must give high place to a severe limitation on the power of
the state to interfere in the detailed activities of individuals; at the same time, it must explicitly
recognize that there are important positive functions that must be performed by the state. The
doctrine sometimes called neo-liberalism
which has been developing more or less
simultaneously in many parts of the world and which in America is associated particularly with
the name of Henry Simons is such a faith. No one can say that this doctrine will triumph. One
can only say that it is many ways ideally suited to fill the vacuum that seems to me to be
developing in the beliefs of intellectual classes the world over

Neo-liberalism would accept the nineteenth century liberal emphasis on the fundamental
importance of the individual, but it would substitute for the nineteenth century goal of laissezfaire as a means to this end, the goal of the competitive order. It would seek to use competition
among producers to protect consumers from exploitation, competition among employers to
protect workers and owners of property, and competition among consumers to protect the
enterprises themselves. The state would police the system, establish conditions favorable to
competition and prevent monopoly
, provide a stable monetary framework, and relieve acute
misery and distress. The citizens would be protected against the state by the existence of a free
private market; and against one another by the preservation of competition.

The detailed program designed to implement this vision cannot be described in full here. But it
may be well to expand a bit on the functions that would be exercised by the state, since this is the
respect in which it differs most from both 19th century individualism and collectivism. The state
would of course have the function of maintaining law and order and of engaging in “public
works” of the classical variety. But beyond this it would have the function of providing a
framework within which free competition could flourish and the price system operate effectively.
This involves two major tasks: first, the preservation of freedom to establish enterprises in any
field, to enter any profession or occupation; second, the provision of monetary stability.
The first would require the avoidance of state regulation of entry, the establishment of rules for
the operation of business enterprises that would make it difficult or impossible for an enterprise
to keep out competitors by any means other than selling a better product at a lower price, and the
prohibition of combinations of enterprises or actions by enterprises in restraint of trade.
American experience demonstrates, I think, that action along these lines could produce a high degree of competition without any extensive intervention by the state. There can be little doubt
that the Sherman anti-trust laws, despite the lack of vigorous enforcement during most of their
existence, are one of the major reasons for the far higher degree of competition in the United
States than in Europe.

The provision of monetary stability would require a reform of the monetary and banking system
to eliminate the private creation of money and to subject changes in the quantity of money to
definite rules designed to promote stability. The provision of money, except for pure commodity
money, cannot be left to competition and has always been recognized as an appropriate function
of the state. Indeed, it is ironic and tragic that the consequences of the failure of government
planning in this area — and, in my view, both extreme inflations and deep depressions are such
consequences — should form so large a part of the alleged case against private enterprise, and be
cited as reasons for giving to government control over yet other areas.
Finally, the government would have the function of relieving misery and distress. Our
humanitarian sentiments demand that some provision should be made for those who “draw
blanks in the lottery of life”. Our world has become too complicated and intertwined, and we
have become too sensitive, to leave this function entirely to private charity or local
responsibility. It is essential, however, that the performance of this function involve the
minimum of interference with the market. There is justification for subsidizing people because
they are poor, whether they are farmers or city-dwellers, young or old. There is no justification
for subsidizing farmers as farmers rather than because they are poor. There is justification in
trying to achieve a minimum income for all; there is no justification for setting a minimum wage
and thereby increasing the number of people without income; there is no justification for trying
to achieve a minimum consumption of bread separately, meat separately, and so on.
These are broad powers and important responsibilities that the neo-liberal would give to the
state. But the essential point is that they are all powers that are limited in scope and capable of
being exercised by general rules applying to all. They are designed to permit government by law
rather than by administrative order. They leave scope for the exercise of individual initiative by
millions of independent economic units. They leave to the unparalleled efficiency of the
impersonal price system the coordination of the detailed economic activities of these units. And
above all, by leaving the ownership and operation of economic resources predominantly in
private hands, they preserve a maximum of individual freedom and liberty.
Even if I am right in my belief that the underlying trend of opinion toward collectivism has
passed its peak and been reversed, we may yet be doomed to a long period of collectivism. The
trend of legislation is still in that direction; and, unhappily, collectivism is likely to prove far
more difficult to reverse or change fundamentally than laissez-faire, especially if it goes so far as
to undermine the essentials of political democracy. And this trend, which would be present in
any event, is certain to be radically accelerated by the cold war, let alone by the more dreadful
alternative of a full scale war. But if these obstacles can be overcome, neo-liberalism offers a real
hope of a better future, a hope that is already a strong cross-current of opinion and that is capable
of capturing the enthusiasm of men of good-will everywhere, and thereby becoming the major current of opinion.

Como vemos por el subrayado, no te enfocaste en lo más importante y en la opinión del autor…

El primer párrafo que coloque y que antecede al párrafo de la cita es con el cual “termina” de criticar al “colectivismo” después de básicamente todo el texto y arranca a hablar de neoliberalismo con la introducción de que “una nueva fe debe evitar los dos errores (que comete “el colectivismo”).” Da una “descripción” de la coyuntura del momento (años '50) del neoliberalismo y dice textual “la doctrina a veces denominada neoliberalismo, que se ha estado desarrollando más o menos simultáneamente en muchas partes del Mundo y que en América está asociada particularmente al nombre de Henry Simons, es tal fe”. Y el texto termina con “el neoliberalismo ofrece esperanzas para un futuro mejor”. O sea, te dice “es por acá macho”, con una postura claramente partidaria de esa ideología.

Por otro lado, destaqué una parte del texto en negrita para que salga alguno a tratar a Friedman de “planero” y “kirchnerista”.

Son los futuros chupas pijas de boca, que se hacen boca por plata como tato aguilera el gordo palacios letto etc etc.

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Ahora la gran mayoría son de River. Conozco la misma cantidad de Vélez que de Boca. 5 bosteros dejaron el año pasado en mi curso. Así habrá sido antes cuando ellos ganaban todo.

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Que manía esa de expropiar, de sacar lo privado y quedártelo. Pensé que se iba a despegar de Cristina pero tiene las mismas nefastas prácticas que la sociedad no quiere para nada.

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Quien te dijo que la sociedad no lo quiere?

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¿La sociedad no quiere para nada? Hablá por vos.

Ya se habló largo y tendido acerca de las ventajas y desventajas que implica esto en función a la administración, pero por otra parte no es que lo hiceron porque se les cantó las pelotas sino porque esa empresa tenía una deuda con el estado. No es comparable a por ejemplo lo de YPF.

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